[Prev|Next|Index] Thu, Feb 22, 1996 john schmelling Censorship, the Law of Responsibility & Boobies By john schmelling [Prev|Next|Index| greenway@neosoft.com Louisiana USA Censorship, the Law of Responsibility, & Boobies Once upon a time in elementary school, our class clown said something that he wasn't supposed to. The words he spoke so incensed our teacher, that she punished the whole class to teach us a lesson. To rationalize her actions, the teacher said, "the good have to suffer for the bad" and "one bad apple spoils the whole barrel." It seems that this same brilliant method of punishment is still in effect today and being imposed on those whose speech, art, and ideas have been deemed "obscene" or otherwise inappropriate by the PC crowd. Of course you know of the legislation which seeks to hold Internet service providers accountable for the actions of individuals. It should also be apparent that legislation must be enacted to prevent such a tragedy from ever occurring to anyone, ISP or not. For this reason, I have even attempted to draft a Law of Responsibility. You can view it at http://www.neosoft.com/~greenway/law.html It's purpose is twofold: first to require that all people be responsible for their actions thus seeking to eliminate the "I'm a victim" disease; and secondly to punish lawbreakers while protecting individuals and companies from being held accountable for actions committed by others. The bottom line is, it is not the governments responsibility [or right] to impose morality on its' citizens; or raise our children. Since both child rearing and morality vary according to cultural and social differences, it is unconscionable to impose a "one size fits all" ideology to cover the many and varied peoples of this nation. Obviously we need laws (and there are) to prevent adults from intentionally soliciting and harming minors, and punish those who do. *You must admit, however, the world will not come to an end if your child happens to see Pamela Anderson's "boobies."* So during these 24 Hours in Cyberspace, let us send a message to those who wish to censor and silence our First Amendment rights, preferably by exercising your free speech while you still have it. If you wish, you can quote the four horrible words of our class clown..... GET OFF MY BACK! Keep it wild Law of Responsibility, morality, boobies,class clown  --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Twenty-Four Hours of Democracy]